INTERREG 2014-2020

“Skills upgrading and retraining programs in high demand industries with emphasis on digital and green skills”
Active Project

LLLC MEK SA will implement as part of the ‘MEK-ORTHOLOGISMOS’ partnership the following set of activities:
4.2.2_Skills enhancement trainings
4.2.5_Tourism support scheme
In the framework of the project titled ‘An initiative on Capitalising Tourism's prospects of the region’ (CapTour) which is approved for funding by the Operational Programme Interreg V-A Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020 (MIS 5070751), led by the Special Account for Research Funds (Financial and Administrative Support Unit of the Special Account for Research Funds) of University of Macedonia.
The project is co-funded by the European Union and by National Funds of the participating countries in the Interreg VA CBC «Greece – Bulgaria 2014-2020».
The project consists of four Work Packages (WP) as follow:
Project management
Communication & Dissemination
Networking in tourism
Dynamic business conditions
Target group
The project’s target group as pre-defined by the contracting authority concerns new & newly established SMEs active in the value chain of tourism (up to 3 years operation), potential entrepreneurs and graduates in the fields of Accounting and Finance, Business Administration, Hospitality & Tourism and relevant departments interested in entrepreneurship in tourism.
The final register of beneficiaries will be issued upon the conclusion of the call for expression of interest to participate in the project, in collaboration with the contracting authority.
Project's link: https://captour.hhf.gr/
Stay tuned!