‘Empowering businesses Seeking Growth’ (SeeG)
Active Project

"Skills upgrading and retraining programs in high demand industries with emphasis on digital and green skills"
In the framework of the action: "SUB2: Horizontal skills upgrade programs for targeted populations (Horizontal upskilling / reskilling programs to targeted populations) - Action 16913" funded by the Recovery and Resilience Fund.
D.YP.A will cooperate with the licensed LLL centers. that meet specific quality assurance criteria, for the provision of training programs to unemployed people registered in the unemployment registers, as part of the national effort to upgrade the skills of the Human Resources, mainly in "digital" and "green" skills, aiming both their effective interconnection with the labor market and the improvement of their employability, as well as the preservation of future jobs.
The object of this project is the provision of theoretical training services - which will lead to certification of the knowledge and skills that will be acquired during the training - and will be addressed to beneficiaries, registered in the Register of unemployed, over 18 years of age.
In particular, the services provided under this project include:
• Theoretical training programs for the unemployed - beneficiaries lasting 50 - 200 hours that lead to the acquisition of digital and "green" knowledge and skills, as will be described in each call.
• Certification of knowledge and skills that will be acquired within the training programs.
The new programs signal the upgrading of the continuing vocational training of the unemployed, with targeted interventions throughout the process and the bodies involved (training providers, certification providers, trainees, etc.).
Sub-project 2: "Implementation of vocational training programs through the Register of licensed LLL centers"
The sub-project concerns the retraining and / or upgrading of ‘digital’ and ‘green’ skills of up to 40,000 unemployed, by providing Vocational Training Programs lasting 50-200 hours, and the certification of knowledge and skills that will be acquired. The subproject will be implemented through the process of providing Training Vouchers to the beneficiaries, who will be selected through a public invitation of D.YP.A..
For the needs of this sub-project, a Special Register of Vocational Training Providers was created.
LLL Center MEK SA is a member of the FINAL REGISTER OF LLL CENTERS for the Project: "SKILLS UPGRADE AND RE-TRAINING PROGRAMS IN HIGH DEMAND SECTORS WITH EMPHASIS ON DIGITAL AND GREEN SKILLS" according to no. 3292/81 / 14.06.2022 (ΑΔΑ: ΡΦΧ24691Ω2-6ΔΝ) decision of the Board of Directors of D.YP.A.
For the available thematic objects of MEK SA as well as the relevant information per
training program click here.